10 More Days!

We have about 10 more days until puppies get here. The daddy Ollie was neutered so this is the last surprise batch from Jane and Ollie. All of her batches have been surprises. Here is a link to a video on our facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/angela.honefreeman/videos/993691050797733/


Well Ollie has now been neutered. He was just too amorous and yes it can be a bad thing for the stud. Who knew? But we are going to have another batch of puppies! They will look just like Jane’s last batch. Let us know if you are interested in a puppy!! They will be born in about 3 weeks. We will keep you all updated. Feel free to follow us on our facebook page.

Really!? Again!?

Well our little Ollie got out of the locked, caged in kennel with a roof, through the play yard, over the 6 foot tall fence, through the back yard, into the house, and through the kitchen to get to the girl. Goodness gracious I am going to be a nervous wreck in 65 days if we have puppies.Really?! Really?! Again?! He is definitely going to go get neutered the first time that I can him into the vet.   We will keep you updated.